Monday, October 31, 2011

Had to share this

I'm not a cat person but I thought I'd share the love I'm getting right now from the two cats who have claimed me as their mom

Something to share

Haven't started anything new yet, procrastinating like a pro as always, hopefully once night hits I'll be more motivated and do some more work. Also dealing with personal problems, I don't get why men  are the way they are (no offense to any men, I'm sure many of you are fantastic). Anyways thought I'd share an artist with you that I've come to really love. Pre-warning they are nudes but they aren't obscene nudes. Curvy women covered in candy. A genius way of showing the over indulgence of society. I really wish I could find a print of his work to have in my home.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

So exciting two days coming up, I don't have to work at my day job which means its time to do some serious work on projects (or watch tv and occasionally look over at my art and think 'hmm maybe I should do something') Also at a loss for what to make for lunch, maybe a pizza or something. Also trying to get back up to date with my ESTY shop (MW Artwork) which is proving to be a very indepth task because when I started work I really let things go there. So I've been trying to get that taken care of as well. alright back to the grind, more later.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Post-starting a new step, hoping to get some extra motivation

This is a first for me, never really thought I'd start a blog, trying to get ready for submitting my applications for my masters that also means a lot of in depth thought when it comes to each piece I create at the moment. I finished a painting the other day I really liked, at first I didn't think it would be any good and that I'd have to start all over again (which I have to do on a different painting) but it all turned out for the best (see the picture above and feel free to comment on your opinions). I've got five abstract nature paintings so far, hopefully more to come. Well more later, time for food.